City Secretary

City Administrator/City Secretary

The City Administrator is responsible for administration, management and supervision for the City of Eden. Duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The efficient administration of the city’s affairs;
  • Advise the Mayor and City Council on the status and needs of the city government;
  • Provide problem-solving assistance to, and technical review and leadership over, other employees or other facets of the organization;
  • Provide insight into the interpretation, implementation, and adaption of broad policies in establishing and maintaining operational guidelines for a Type A Municipal Government;
  • Serve as Records Management Officer and official custodian for city records, documents, files, minutes, ordinances and resolutions;
  • Acts as general accountant, countersigns all commissions and licenses, draws warrants, regular accounts of receipts and disbursements, countersigns all bonds, records all contracts, and other record-keeping duties as assigned;
  • Prepares the agenda for all City Council meetings and posts all meeting notices and public notices and advisories, and attends all meetings of the City Council and City Boards in order to accurately record all proceedings and meeting minutes;
  • Advise and assist in the formulation of administrative policies;
  • Supervise all staff for all departments and employees of the City of Eden;
  • Serve as Public Information Officer, Notary Public, and help with Internet and Technology matters for the City;
  • Serve as Investment Officer and ensures financial stability, asset protection, fiscal controls, cash management, and financial reporting to meet all local, state, and federal legal and regulatory requirements;
  • Act as liaison between the Mayor, Council Members, media, the public, and departmental managers; and
  • Works with all communities in the City to improve City services and infrastructures, and responds to diverse needs of individuals and groups;

The Office of City Administrator fulfills the duties of City Secretary (a statutory position required by state law), City Clerk, and City Manager in compliance with the requirements of the Texas Local Government Code for governing bodies of Type A General Law Municipalities.

City Administrator
(325) 869-2211
Administrative Assistant
(325) 869-2211